Behind the scene of a parish

Behind the scene of a parish

Saint-Eustache, one of the four largest churches in Paris, finds it difficult to assert its identity as a religious monument, overlooking as it does that great temple of consumerism, the Forum des Halles. Yet Saint-Eustache has successfully established itself as a thriving spiritual business, outstripping the Catholic clergy as a whole in relation to social questions and taboo subjects such as AIDS, homosexuality and divorce. Precisely because the church of Saint-Eustache emphasises frankness and openness, Father Gérard Bénéteau and his entire team took us behind the scenes of the parish to share in their everyday lives…
Religion – Help – Involved – Tourisme

Partner(s) : France 3 - Yenta Production

Broadcaster(s) : TV5 USA - France 3

Director(s) : François Chilowicz

Author(s) : François Chilowicz

Year : 2000

Duration : 52 minutes