Olive’s little joys

Olive’s little joys

The entry of a flop eared, blue-eyed rabbit with a wide grin signals the coming of a new animated show for pre-school children, Pitched at 3-7 year olds this show set on the island of Corsica combines comedy with adventure, discover with familiarity, appealing characters with vivid natural settings, in a series whose storylines will hold the attention of even the youngest viewers. In every 10 minute episode, Olive, with his friends Pic-Pic and Prizuttu and his close knit and loving family, will bring together the state-of-the-art 3D digital animation with the skills of traditionally trained animators, in a show that is inspired by a series of best selling picture books written by Corsican Lili Pissenlit. The show has a new and unique Mediterranean quality offering the kind of fun and universal values that make it ideal viewing for the whole family.
Olive is an adorable young rabbit with ears that refuse to stick up straight like those of his brothers and sisters! Through his family and friends Olive discovers the immediate world around him and the awesome world outside the safe parameters of home – the natural world of his beautiful island with its dramatically changing seasons, the passing of time, the changes of temperature and the development of his own perceptual awareness. Olive’s inner emotional world is balanced and strong: parental love, strong family bonding and the fact that Olive is adored by all have made him a happy confident boy with not a trace of a dark side to his character. And of course, should he ever need someone in whom to confide, his Ciù-Ciù is never far away. Dou-Dou is Olive’s cuddly toy rabbit: He’s just a toy as far as the rest of his family is concerned, but to Olive, he is every bit as real a person as his brothers and sisters. And once he is alone with Dou-Dou, this is just what he becomes. He doesn’t speak, but he does react to things in the same way as does Olive and shares his secrets with him. However this isn’t a show about butterflies and rainbows. Although Olive is a little boy growing up on an idyllic Mediterranean island his life is a constant flow of discovery and surprise. For all his inner security Olive will experience sadness, joy, fear, jealousy and anxiety for they, alongside happiness and love, are part of the process of growing up and leaving the security of babyhood behind.

Author(s) : Lillly Pissenlit, Vanessa Gautier, Diane Redmond, Jimmy Hibbert

Year : 2008

Duration : 52x13 minutes minutes

Festival(s) :
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