A century of writers – Evelyn Waugh

A century of writers – Evelyn Waugh

Evelyn Waugh was not the most endearing of writers, quite the contrary! His arrogance, provocative insolence and ferocity were legendary. Unsuited to the modern world (he lambasted the advent of ”Ordinary Man”), his only defence was laughter, caricature, sarcasm and cruelty.
Portrait – Literature – Debated – Biography

Partner(s) : France 3

Broadcaster(s) : France 3 - BBC, France 5 Canal Satellite, Canal + Cyfrowy / Planète Poland, Kultur -White Star -Duke Video

Director(s) : Gaëlle Bayssière, Joshua Philipps

Author(s) : Gaëlle Bayssière, Joshua Philipps

Year : 1999

Duration : 45 minutes