The novel of Man – And if the man came from Asia ? (4)

The novel of Man – And if the man came from Asia ? (4)

Many signs show that Man would come from Asia. Eugene Dubois’s step and his researches in the south-east of Asia. The discovered of pithecanthropus.
In 1922, at Chou Kou Tien we discover the man of Peking. From this place Teilhard de Chardin give his advice “we have to look at side of Africa, it could be the humanity birthplace”.
Discovery – Existence – Prehistory

Partner(s) : ETC Production - Télé-Québec - Sovimages Inc. - La Cinquième

Broadcaster(s) : France 5 - RTVE

Director(s) : Bernard Jourdain

Author(s) : Marcel Jullian

Year : 1997

Duration : 26 minutes

Festival(s) :

Académie Canadienne du Cinéma et de la TV (Montréal) 1998 - Prix Géneaux